October 15, 2011

Dreadfleet bases

So I have started to put together my Dreadfleet game.  I decided to knock out all of the bases at once assembly style.

I started with a nice coat of Necron Abyss foundation.
Then I added a heavy dry brushing of Mordian Blue.

Then I finished them with a light drybrushing of Bleached Bone over the crests of the waves.

I am not sure if I will use a mat varnish to seal them or not but right now I think that I will be adding that to all of them in the morning.  Not sure if I will be tackling the ships or the accessories next but I will post pics and let you know what I did when I get it done.


October 8, 2011


Well I gave in and bought Dreadfleet because I am a sucker for pirate stuff and sailing games. When I got to my nearest game store I asked if they had any left and they told me that they were sold out except for one that had been opened. So I started by getting 10% off a brand new game. Yippee!
Got it home and started looking at the sprues. There are a lot of bits to this game.
For some reason I didn't get this posted last week. Oh well here it is a week later.

October 6, 2011


I am seriously considering changing the name of my blog to painting after midnight because that is the only time that I get to paint right now. I painted stryker last night and tonight. I have noticed a couple of places that need to be touched up but over all I think I did a pretty good job.  I am particularly pleased with the way the face turned out.  I was very scared about painting the eyes because they are so small.

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