December 28, 2012

Theory machine musings

Ok I am admittedly a noob when it comes to playing the game of Warmachine. I have played a couple dozen games against almost that many opponents. Tomorrow will be my first tournament of any kind. We will be playing 50 points steamroller 2013 beta pack rules. I have been really tempted to try out new things but a tournament is probably not the place to be figuring out new warcasters. I will probably take Stryker 1 and Nemo 2 because I have the most experience with them. I take Nemo tier so that I can take 5 pow 12 stormsmith stormcallers. They seem to work quite well with a stormwall against infantry heavy armies. I will be using a stormguard unit as my tar pit to stay within the tier.
If I think I am going up against high at our I will take Stryker. In the Stryker list I will use stormwall and a defender in the battle group. A unit of ATGM with UA and a hunter attached. A couple solos like Gorman and Eiryss. I thought about adding Victor Pendrake because my local meta is skewed towards hoards but changed my mind.
I will post the lists that I ended up taking and my record after the event. Wish me luck.


December 27, 2012

Off the battlefield: non wargaming game night

I played games with my family tonight. My older brother and his family were in town and we played the Big Bang theory and poo. The Big Bang theory is similar to trivial pursuit but all of the questions are about the Big Bang theory television show. It was fun but since I am not a super fan I didn't do so well. My 12 year old nephew however knew almost every question that was asked. It was funny when his dad said that the question was too obscure or too hard and he just blurted out the answer as if it were just common knowledge. I really liked playing rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock, whenever someone disagreed with the answer on one of the cards.  Overall it was a fun game.

I brought Poo! it is a very fun game. Each player is a monkey and it involves 'throwing' poo cards at the other players and trying not to get too much poo on yourself in the process. It has different cards that are worth different amounts of poo that you play on the other players and they have cards that will either block the poo entirely or deflect the poo to other players instead or you can play a card that will clean some of the poo off of you.  If you get 15 poo on you you are out of the game.  The last clean monkey wins. we all had fun and my younger brother won that game. This game is fun for a family night game I know that my kids like playing it as well.

Here are some pictures of the two games that we played.  Hope you have fun playing some non tabletop miniature games sometimes as well.


December 26, 2012

Orange Minuteman

Ok I finished the rest of my Cygnar light jacks over the Christmas holiday. I will be posting the pics over the next couple of days. The first one Is the minuteman. I have really liked this model. The sculpt is really nice and I have seen some awesome conversions to make it look like it is flying. I really think it turned out well.

December 17, 2012

Epic Nemo

All right I was able to get to my favorite caster lately over this weekend. Nemo has been very fun to play at tier one because I can take extra storm callers. I am going to finish the stormwall so I can really get some lightning action going on in a 50 point list. So the next step to playing a fully painted army was painting my caster. I know that I still have some things to do but here he is base coated and washed.

December 16, 2012

Cygnar charger

I finished the Charger for my orange army last night. I really like painting chargers but I don't need any more for my army. My plan right now is to finish up my light jacks and the. Paint a couple of casters that I use most frequently and then move on to the heavy jacks.

December 15, 2012

Orange Lancer

I finished the lancer first. I like the changes that I made to the general paint scheme. I haven't sealed it in case I decide to change anything else right now I still consider this scheme to be subject to change. After I have had a few weeks to decide if this is right color for my army I will get them l sealed its a good mat sealant. Any way I will be posting the finished pictures over the next. Couple of days as I get to them.

December 9, 2012

Work in progress report orange Cygnar army

Ok so December is usually taken up by all of the things going on. I probably won't get to my local game store at all this month and painting time is almost as hard to find. However I do manage to get to painting last night at around 10:30 and got about an hour and a half in before I had to turn in. I got quite a bit done though. All I have left to do on these warjacks is the tan areas, some highlighting and touch ups, and the fine details like the rivits and things.